Game run by @petermball.


The Official Handbook of the SMAX Universe (PDF)



Session Logs

NB: I only started taking session notes from #38.

What Went Before (1-37)

The 12 Plagues of Pacific City (38-48)

Graduation (49-58)

Superhero Boot Camp (59-72)

College Daze (73-88)

Dances with Ninjas (89-97) 

SMAX World Tour (98-119)

Silver Storm 2: Supervillain Boogaloo (120-127)

Same Acronym, Different Team (128-142)

Oz and Ogremesch (143-154)

Going Wild (155-168)

Trans-Dimensional Panic (169-174)

Creative Difficulties (175-186)

Endgame (187-200)